About Nate
…where a man prayed over him in a home church, and he was instantly healed of many years of addictions, depression, anxiety and rage. The Holy Spirit spoke to him that night, and said “you’re going to do this, too”. The Holy Spirit became his teacher (John 14), and five weeks later he was seeing miracles and healings in the streets.
Nate has an evangelistic and itinerant ministry call on his life. He is passionate about bringing people an encounter with Jesus, and sharing, teaching and preaching the true Gospel.

As witnessing signs, wonders and healings are part of his daily life, Nate is also called to equip the saints and train people how to discover and move in their spiritual gifts (as listed in Corinthians).
Nate also teaches on identity in Christ, and encourages people to see themselves the way God sees them (holy and blameless in His sight, Colossians 1).
Nate desires for people to KNOW Jesus (this is eternal life, John 17), and to receive the revelation that Kingdom life isn’t about going to church or doing religion, but rather an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
He prays for people all over the world, leads international mission trips, disciples many men, and as the father of four, works with families to teach them how to be a Kingdom family and raise Kingdom children.
He has been bringing a Kingdom message to churches, ministries and the streets since 2019, is also an ordained minister/pastor, and served in leadership positions in multiple churches.